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What’s Included

 1) Functional website

2) 6 pages

3) Responsive design

4) Content upload

5) 5 plugins/extensions


 6) E-commerce functionality

7) Opt-in form

8) Autoresponder integration

9) 1 Commercially licensed image

10) Social media icon


WordPress Website Key Features

1. User-Friendly Dashboard

  • Ease of use: WordPress offers an intuitive and easy-to-navigate dashboard, making it simple for users to create and manage content, install plugins, and customize their websites without needing extensive technical knowledge.

2. Themes and Customization

  • Themes: WordPress provides thousands of free and premium themes that allow users to change the look and feel of their website easily.
  • Customization: Each theme can be customized through the built-in customizer, enabling you to adjust elements like colors, fonts, layouts, and headers. For more complex changes, child themes or custom CSS can be used.

3. Plugins for Added Functionality

  • Plugins: WordPress has an extensive plugin ecosystem, with over 55,000 plugins available for adding functionality to your site without the need for coding. Plugins can enhance SEO, improve security, add e-commerce capabilities, optimize speed, and much more.
  • Extendibility: For developers, plugins provide a way to extend the core WordPress functionality, making it a highly adaptable platform for specific needs.

4. Mobile Responsiveness

  • Responsive design: Most modern WordPress themes are mobile-responsive by default, ensuring that your site looks and works well on mobile devices, which is essential for user experience and SEO.
  • Mobile editing: The WordPress mobile app also allows you to edit and manage your site on the go.

5. SEO-Friendly

  • SEO optimization: WordPress has built-in features that support search engine optimization (SEO), such as clean permalinks, meta descriptions, and proper HTML markup.
  • SEO plugins: Popular plugins like Yoast SEO and Rank Math further enhance SEO by offering detailed optimization options for pages, posts, and media, making it easier to rank higher on search engines.

6. Built-In Blogging

  • Blogging platform: Originally created as a blogging platform, WordPress still excels in this area, offering a full-featured blogging system with categories, tags, media embedding, and more.
  • Content scheduling: You can easily schedule posts for future publication, enabling consistent content production without manual intervention.

7. Media Management

  • Media library: WordPress includes a media library for managing images, videos, and audio files, making it simple to upload, edit, and reuse media content across your site.
  • Image optimization: Features like image alt text, captions, and image compression plugins help ensure that your media is both accessible and optimized for faster loading times.

8. Content Management System (CMS)

  • CMS capabilities: WordPress is a full-fledged CMS, allowing you to manage different types of content, including posts, pages, custom post types, and media. It’s also easy to organize content with categories, tags, and custom taxonomies.
  • Role management: WordPress allows you to assign different user roles (e.g., Administrator, Editor, Author, Subscriber), offering various levels of access and control over the site’s content and features.

9. E-commerce Capabilities

  • WooCommerce integration: WordPress is e-commerce ready with plugins like WooCommerce, which allows you to turn your site into an online store. You can sell products, manage inventory, and process payments.
  • Digital products: You can also sell digital downloads, subscriptions, and memberships with various plugins and extensions tailored for e-commerce functionality.

10. Security Features

  • Built-in security: WordPress is regularly updated with security patches, and users can further secure their site with plugins like Wordfence or Sucuri.
  • Two-factor authentication: Several plugins allow you to add two-factor authentication, enhancing login security.
  • Backups: Backup plugins like UpdraftPlus and BackupBuddy provide automated and manual backup options to protect your site data.

11. Multilingual and Multisite Support

  • Multilingual sites: With plugins like WPML or Polylang, WordPress allows you to create multilingual websites, making it easy to reach a global audience.
  • Multisite functionality: WordPress multisite enables you to run multiple websites from a single WordPress installation, ideal for businesses or institutions managing multiple domains.

12. Custom Post Types and Taxonomies

  • Custom post types: WordPress allows you to create custom post types (e.g., portfolios, testimonials, events) to manage different kinds of content.
  • Custom taxonomies: You can also create custom taxonomies, helping you categorize and organize content in ways beyond the default categories and tags.


  • Headless CMS potential: The WordPress REST API allows developers to use WordPress as a headless CMS, where the back end is separate from the front-end presentation, which can be built with JavaScript frameworks like React or Vue.
  • Integration with other platforms: The REST API enables integrations with third-party platforms, mobile apps, or external services, offering flexibility for advanced developers.

14. Community and Support

  • Vast community: WordPress has an enormous global community of users, developers, and contributors. This means abundant resources for support, including tutorials, forums, documentation, and meetups.
  • Continuous updates: The platform is regularly updated with new features, improvements, and security patches, making it a reliable and evolving platform.

15. Analytics and Tracking

  • Google Analytics integration: Easily integrate Google Analytics or other tracking tools to monitor site performance, user behavior, and conversions.
  • Built-in reports: Many plugins, including WooCommerce, offer built-in analytics and reporting features, providing insight into site performance and user engagement.

WordPress Website Admin Features

1. Dashboard Overview

  • Centralized control: The WordPress admin dashboard provides a centralized area where you can manage all aspects of your website. The dashboard includes widgets that display recent activity, site health, available updates, and quick links for creating content or configuring settings.
  • Customizable: Administrators can customize the dashboard view by adding or removing widgets, organizing menus, and using plugins to extend its functionality.

2. User Management

  • User roles: WordPress allows you to assign different roles to users with varying levels of access:
    • Administrator: Full access to all settings, content, and features.
    • Editor: Can manage content (posts, pages) but not site settings.
    • Author: Can write and publish their own posts but cannot edit others’ content.
    • Contributor: Can write posts but cannot publish them.
    • Subscriber: Can manage their profile and view private content.
  • Role customization: You can further customize user roles and permissions using plugins like User Role Editor to create tailored user permissions.

3. Content Management

  • Posts and Pages: The admin panel allows you to create, edit, and manage posts and pages. The editor (Gutenberg) is block-based, providing flexibility in arranging content elements.
  • Media management: The media library in the admin interface allows you to upload, organize, and edit images, videos, and other files.
  • Custom post types: WordPress supports the creation of custom post types (e.g., portfolios, products), giving you more control over the type of content you manage.

4. Plugins Management

  • Install and activate plugins: From the admin panel, you can search for, install, activate, and deactivate plugins. This enables administrators to add new functionality (e.g., SEO, security, e-commerce) to their site easily.
  • Plugin updates: The admin panel displays notifications when plugins need updating, and you can manage these updates directly to ensure the latest features and security patches are applied.

5. Themes Management

  • Theme installation and customization: Administrators can install and activate themes to change the appearance of their site. The theme customizer allows for adjustments like changing the site’s logo, color scheme, and layout without coding.
  • Theme updates: Like plugins, themes can be updated directly from the admin dashboard to ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress version and security updates.

6. Menus and Navigation

  • Menu creation: From the admin dashboard, you can create and manage navigation menus. This allows you to organize site links, pages, categories, and custom URLs into structured menus.
  • Drag-and-drop interface: The menu editor is drag-and-drop, making it simple to reorder or nest menu items.

7. Site Settings

  • General settings: Manage key site details like site title, tagline, timezone, and date format.
  • Permalinks: Customize how URLs are structured for posts and pages. This helps with SEO and provides clean, user-friendly URLs.
  • Reading settings: Set whether the homepage displays your latest posts or a static page. You can also configure the number of posts displayed per page.
  • Discussion settings: Control settings for comments, including moderation rules, comment approval, and notifications.

8. Media Management

  • Media library: The WordPress media library allows administrators to upload, edit, and organize media files such as images, videos, audio files, and documents.
  • Image editing: Basic image editing tools like cropping, rotating, resizing, and scaling are available directly in the media library.
  • Alt text and SEO: You can add alt text, titles, and descriptions to media files, which helps with accessibility and search engine optimization (SEO).

9. Site Health and Performance

  • Site Health Tool: The admin dashboard includes a Site Health feature that provides insights into your website’s performance and security. It highlights issues such as outdated PHP versions, inactive plugins, and database optimizations.
  • Recommendations: The Site Health tool offers recommendations for improving site performance and security, including plugin suggestions and server configuration tips.

10. Security Features

  • User login management: WordPress allows you to set login credentials, manage user sessions, and use two-factor authentication through plugins.
  • Password policies: Administrators can enforce strong password policies and require password changes for users.
  • Security plugins: Plugins like Wordfence or Sucuri can be installed from the admin dashboard to manage firewall rules, malware scanning, login attempt limits, and brute-force attack protection.

11. Updates Management

  • Core updates: The admin dashboard notifies you of available WordPress core updates. Administrators can update WordPress to the latest version with one click.
  • Auto-updates: WordPress allows automatic updates for both minor and major releases. You can configure settings to enable or disable auto-updates for core, themes, and plugins.
  • Backup management: Admins can install plugins like UpdraftPlus to manage site backups directly from the dashboard. Automated backups can be scheduled, and restoration is done in a few clicks.

12. Analytics and Reports

  • Traffic stats: With the use of plugins like Google Analytics for WordPress (MonsterInsights), administrators can view traffic reports directly in the admin dashboard, including page views, sessions, and user behavior.
  • E-commerce reports: For WooCommerce-based sites, the admin dashboard provides detailed sales reports, inventory tracking, and customer order management, making it easy to monitor store performance.

13. Customizable Widgets

  • Widgets management: Admins can add and arrange widgets in various widget areas (e.g., sidebar, footer) directly from the dashboard. Widgets include things like recent posts, search bars, and social media feeds.
  • Block widgets: With the evolution of the block editor, WordPress now allows widgets to be added and managed using blocks, giving administrators more flexibility in how they design their widget areas.

14. Backup and Restore

  • Manual backups: Admins can manage manual backups through plugins like BackupBuddy or UpdraftPlus, ensuring the site can be restored in case of an emergency.
  • Automatic backups: Admins can schedule automatic backups and store them remotely in services like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Amazon S3.

15. Multisite Management

  • Multisite setup: WordPress supports multisite functionality, allowing admins to manage multiple websites from a single WordPress installation.
  • Centralized control: Super Admins can oversee all sites in the network, control plugin and theme availability, and manage user permissions across multiple sites.

16. Multilingual Support

  • Multilingual management: Plugins like WPML or Polylang can be integrated into the admin interface, allowing you to manage multiple language versions of your site, including translating posts, pages, and menus.

17. Advanced Customization

  • Code editor: Administrators with technical expertise can access the built-in theme and plugin editor to make direct code changes to theme files, plugins, or custom functions.
  • Custom CSS: WordPress provides a space in the customizer for adding custom CSS, allowing admins to tweak their site’s appearance without modifying theme files.
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